What does this mean? How you do it, and how important is it?
When embarking on personal growth and healing, in addition to the emotional, psychological and physical changes that can take place, a more subtle change also occurs. As a result of these multi-layered changes, our energy also begins to grow and to vibrate at ever higher and new levels.
Like an instrument being attuned to play a new song, our vibration changes as we change and each stage of progress is accompanied by a new energetic vibration.
Indiscernible at first and therefore easy to miss, our energy field begins to need and seek a whole new vibration to continue to feel good. We find that the old environments and communities, and sometimes friendships and intimate relationships no longer feel comfortable to us.
This is good news by the way! Although it can be disconcerting too as it can mean that further changes in our outer world are required. Groups, habits, addictions, hobbies or social environments that we may have previously enjoyed very much and found so much benefit from before, now no longer work for us. They don’t raise our energy levels, in fact they will do the opposite and bring us down if we persist in them, and resist the inevitable further changes that we need to make to maintain our new vibrational level.
Making the decision to stop a particular activity, or leave a community or relationship is the strongest and healthiest thing you can do to honour this change, prevent any stagnation or risk getting stuck, and further commit to your continued personal growth.
For Highly Sensitive People (HSPs) this is especially important, as we are more sensitive to energy generally, due to the fact that our nervous systems are just more sensitive than others. In fact, I would add that for HSPs it is essential self-care learning to get to know your own optimum vibrational level, what you need to avoid, and what to do to maintain it.
So how can you best support yourself during this aspect of your growth?
The further good news is that this is all part of a positive feedback loop: the more you change the more your vibration is raised, the more you contribute to raising your vibration, the more you change!
One of the best ways you can support yourself is to consciously choose activities and environments which actively seek to further raise your vibration. Not only does this make real difference, but it also increases your growth, and it feels great!
Just some of the practices which raise your vibration are:
It is also important however to identify and keep an eye on any practices which lower your vibration and so should be avoided, these usually include our previous habits or addictions, for example:
Gradually you will become aware that your vibration has shifted, things you used to enjoy or could tolerate become uncomfortable and you feel pulled down, or back by them. People, environments and activities that used to sustain you now drain you.
Clues to spot you’ve changed and now need to address your habits or lifestyle:
Change creates change, so to maintain your growth it’s important to stick to your boundaries and new lifestyle and find new, supportive friends, communities and pastimes which further lift and support your vibration.
Above all, enjoy your new vibration - take time to celebrate that you have changed and now spend your time in new, healthier ways which only serve to enhance your well-being and further development. Through doing so you also model for others on a lower energetic level that change is possible, highly desirable and nourishing.
© Angela Dunning, 24 January 2016