About Angela

Cultivating Embodied Presence; Restoring Balance,
& Deepening Connections

In my work I weave together a relational, blended approach to supporting others, incorporating my own approach to EFL as outlined in my book The Horse Leads the Way and the Eponaquest approach; Jungian depth psychology; trauma-awareness including Polyvagal Theory, and nature-based spirituality. In addition, my own ongoing inner-work and healing underpins and informs all of my work.

My own healing journey has encompassed recovery from early childhood and attachment trauma; recovering my authentic-self, and embarking on a deep immersion into connecting with my body through a series of accidents and traumas. I have always felt different and out of step with mainstream society, including my own family, my whole life. Learning who I really am and what my innate gifts and traits are led me to finally discovering my purpose and medicine for this lifetime. My own journey has taken me to incredible depths through experiences of depression, despair, pain and suffering; places I would have never willing chosen to go, and yet, each experience has gifted me with new wisdom and insight and a more deeply felt connection to my own body/soul and spirit. And as a result of consciously walking the path of the Wounded Healer I feel able to support and guide others on their journey of self-exploration and healing through both our work together and my writing.

Below is a more detailed exploration of how I got here, including both personal and professional experiences, official trainings and studies.

My primary aim in supporting people is to help them discover their own unique soul calling and to help people stay true to this, despite the vicissitudes of life that we all encounter along the way. Offering support on the emotional, physical, mental, soul and spiritual levels.

I am passionate about: Supporting women to reconnect to their authentic-selves through reclaiming a deeper connection to their body, emotions and true needs. I love supporting people to reawaken and develop their gifts, qualities, passions and to follow their unique Soul's calling, so that you can begin to live the life you truly desire. I am dedicated to supporting people in their vulnerability and growth. I have a strong ability to empathise with others and to create and hold a safe, sacred space for individuals and groups; often described by others as "second to-none".

My guiding principles are: A firm belief in the mind-body-soul-spirit connection as the route to wholeness; that being deeply connected to and rooted in the natural world is vital for optimum well-being and what keeps us balanced; that soul speaks through the body and psyche in our symptoms, dreams and imagination, and that every living being is of equal value and all life is precious.

My innate gifts and qualities include: I am a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP), empath, Introverted Intuitive type, visionary, Shamanic knowing and techniques, Wise Woman and Wounded Healer. I have a natural rapport with animals and in particular with horses, and am committed to offering them a respectful, gentle, sensitive and loving connection and presence. I am a passionate advocate of horses as sentient beings in their own right, and in particular advocating for a true partnership role for the horse in all equine facilitated work. (See more about this in the sections: My Philosophy and Approach; My EFL Approach and in my book, The Horse Leads the Way).

Background and other Professional Experience:

My love of horses seemed to be present from my first breath and I believe that I came into the world with this love as an innate part of myself. As a young child I longed for a pony to love and ride but sadly this wasn't possible due to my family's circumstances. I had to be content with the odd pony-trek and riding lesson. Then, to my delight when I was 12 I was offered the opportunity to ride and look after two ponies, whom I loved with all my heart and spent all my spare time with. My formal career working with horses began when I was 16 and I trained with the BHS as a groom and riding instructor.

I then returned to continue my education at a local F.E. College; then I went on to graduate from the University of Bradford with a BA (Hons) in Peace Studies and a few years later I obtained a Postgraduate Certificate in Youth & Community Work from St Martin's College, the University of Cumbria. During my 20’s and early 30’s I worked in inner-city communities across Yorkshire as a support worker; welfare rights and housing advice worker, and a community regeneration and engagement development worker, supporting marginalised people and communities including refugees and asylum-seekers. I have substantial experience of working in the not-for-profit sector, both in front-line service provision and at the second-tier level, supporting the development of community-based organisations and social enterprises through project coordination, fund-raising, community development, administration, social media and website development. I have previously worked for The National Lottery Community Fund and The School for Social Enterprise (SSE). I have also developed and delivered staff training on various subjects. And I have supported women entrepreneurs and business owners with website and social media development and soul-full marketing.

In my early-thirty’s I experienced my first spiritual healing crisis and was forced through physical and emotional ill-health to take a much needed break from the type of work I had been doing up until then. It was then that I began some deep soul-searching to find out who I really was and what I needed and so I began to focus on my own healing. During this time I also found myself returning to the horses who had been sorely missing from my life and, I believe, partly why I had become so sick and unhappy. Through a series of wonderful synchronicities, I found myself discovering about the trait of being a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP) which was a significant light-bulb moment for me and I then went on to Co-Host the first HSP Gathering in the UK & Europe in 2006 which Dr. Elaine Aron attended. As a result of reading The Highly Sensitive Person, I then read what was for me an utterly life-changing book: The Tao of Equus by best-selling author and Eponaquest founder Linda Kohanov. And so, following a deeply strong Soul-Calling for this work and Linda’s approach in particular, I then travelled to Arizona to train with Linda over a period of two years. On my completion in 2007 I established my EFL practice Equine Reflections; which was re-named The Horse's Truth in 2017During this period I also began my Shamanic intitiation when I undertook much healing and have done some initial trainings in Shamanic healing practices over the years. I published my first book, The Horse Leads the Way in 2017.

I have also spent considerable time observing and photographing semi-feral ponies in the UK including The New Forest ponies and Welsh Mountain ponies. I also co-led a unique workshop in The New Forest in 2015, which I have written about in detail here. The lessons from observing these ponies underpin my approach to working with and caring for our domesticated horses and ponies and therefore, all of my EFL approach too.

I now have 18 years’ experience of Equine Facilitated Learning practice, bringing a depth of experience and knowledge to my work. In addition, I continue to do ongoing professional development training, study and extensive reading to expand my professional abilities. I have been particularly studying Jung and Jungian Depth Psychology for a number of years. In the past two years I have also been studying trauma, particularly complex/developmental trauma and Polyvagal Theory. I am also a Trauma-Sensitive Practitioner graduate of The HeartMath Institute. I am fully committed to my own growth and healing and to deepening my capacities to support and guide other. I have undertaken many years of various forms of therapy including Jungian analysis, psychotherapy and spiritual counselling, coaching, healing, and much energy and body work. My approach is a fully holistic and integrated mind-body-soul-spiritual approach to all aspects of life. 

Formal EFL Qualifications, Training, Accreditation, Memberships and Insurance:

 Some of the CPD courses/events I have attended in recent years include:

  • Attended and presented on 'The True Role of the Horse' at the first 2-day EAFPN Conference, October 2015
  • Working with Dreams & Symbols workshop, 2015
  • Deepening Somatic Presence workshop with Clare Myatt, 2017
  • Introduction to Depth Psychology - online course with The Depth Psychology Alliance, 2018
  • Jung and Dreams - online course with The Depth Psychology Alliance, 2018
  • Connections 101 with Linda Kohanov, 2021
  • Eponaquest Connections 101 Instructor - online training with Linda Kohanov, 2021
  • Chiron: The Archetype of the Wounded Healer workshop, 2021
  • Jung and The Wounded Healer - online course with The Depth Psychology Alliance, 2021
  • Mindfulness and Trauma - webinar with David Treleaven, 2022
  • Trauma and The Body - online course with Carolyn Spring, 2022
  • The Conscious Living Programme - online course with The Centre for Applied Jungian Studies, 2022
  • Jung Unplugged - online course with The Centre for Applied Jungian Studies, 2022
  • Adult Safeguarding Awareness Training, Shropshire Council, 2022
  • 'The Resilient Heart' - Trauma-Sensitive HeartMath Certified Practitioner Training, 2022.
  • Trauma & Attachment; Stablizing the Unstable Webinars - Janina Fisher, 2022.
  • Introduction to Adverse Childhood Experiences - Early Trauma Online Learning, 2022.
  • Basic Principles of Somatic Experiencing (online), SEI, 2022.
  • The Tao of Trauma: Inflammation in our Bodies & in the World, SEI, 2022.
  • The Body and Mind on Two Different Pages, SEI, 2022
  • Introduction to Polyvagal Concepts and Equine Therapy - Dr. Rebecca Bailey, February 2023,
  • Connections 102 - Linda Kohanov, 2023
  • Individuation and Right Livelihood: Work as a Spiritual Path - The Depth Psychology Alliance, 2023
  • The Psychology & Archetype of Money- The Depth Psychology Alliance, 2023
  • The Myth of Pegasus as an Image of The Integrated Feminine, an online Lecture, SAAJA, Sept 2023
  • Basic Jungian Concepts, University of Essex, September 2023
  • Currently studying: Jung and Trauma, The Depth Psychology Alliance
  • Polyvagal Equine Institute Fundamentals - online course, October 2024
  • Polyvagal Theory: Principles and Practice for Individuals, Polyvagal Institute, November 2024

As well as attending equine facilitated practitioner networking meetings, CPD days and conferences and various other talks and online webinars.

I am a passionate writer and regularly write articles, blogs and Facebook posts and I published my first book, The Horse Leads the Way in February 2017.

If you'd like to explore the different ways to work with me please use this link, or contact me to discuss options.

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And if you enjoy my approach and writing and find it valuable, you can support me through my Buy Me a Coffee Page by making a one-off contribution or find out more about becoming a member, where you'll receive exclusive content, discounts on working with me and additional free resources.


Photo of Angela by Graham Barber, LRPS.

Website by Gomango

“But your vision will become clear only when you can look into your own heart. Who looks outside dreams; who looks inside awakes.” ~ C. G. Jung
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