Free Resources

On this page you'll find:

  • Past and recent talks and presentations, and telesummits and podcast interviews
  • Articles for external magazines, book chapter contributions & Blog contributions
  • List of previous Facebook Notes
  • A recommended reading list at the bottom 

Presentations, Talks, Telesummits & Podcast interviews:

1) I recently took part in the 'Let's Talk Herd Podcast' with Camille Dareau of Soul Herd Magazine, our conversation covered many issues in this work and why women in particular love horses so much.

2) I was interviewed on the 'Healing With Horses Collective Telesummit' in January 2017 where I talked mainly about my book which had just come out and my approach to this work in general.

3) I was recently interviewed on the Am I Ok Podcast for Highly Sensitive People (HSPs) with Lisa Lewis. I was speaking about my own journey discovering I was Highly Sensitive and how working with horses in this way is SO helpful for HSPs and why! Released on Thursday 31st March 2022.

4) I gave this presentation THE TRUE ROLE OF THE HORSE IN EQUINE FACILITATED LEARNING; PSYCHOTHERAPY & THERAPY at the first EAFPN conference in the UK for equine facilitated practitioners based on my initial research for my book The Horse Leads the Way. I talked about the central, guiding role of the horse in this work as a full partner not a "tool". And how we can and should work to the best of our abilities to ensure this at all times to protect the health, well-being, enjoyment and empowerment of our equine partners.

5) I prepared a presentation for the 2017 'A Horse is a Horse, Of Course' Symposium: The Horse as a Sentient Partner in Equine Facilitated Practice A Practical Approach Which Honours the Horse’s Wellbeing by Angela Dunning. This presentation offers a practical guide for practitioners to ensure they are honouring their equine partners as sentient beings.

6) I gave a talk to the general public in January 2020 in Bishop's Castle, Shropshire on: The Way of The Horse: A Journey to the Self and Beyond... This talk gave an overview of the horse-human bond through the ages; the progression to horses helping people psychologically and emotionally; developing respectful relationships with other species; my approach to equine facilitated practice, and the background to my book, 'The Horse Leads the Way'. 

7) A presentation I provided to Unity College Maine in 2021 as part of their course on Animal Assisted Interventions and Service Animals and the Law: 'A Sentient Partnerships Approach to Equine Facilitated Practice'. 

8) An interview with me was published in September 2015 about why and how horses are good for our Soul in the Italian health and well-being magazine Medwellnes. You can find my interview, in English, about half-way down this page where it says: "Interview with the Eponaquest facilitator Angela Dunning..."

* Copyright and general usage note: All of the above materials are copyrighted to me. However, I give permission for these presentation materials to be used with the intention of improving standards and good practice in the field, and for the wellbeing of the horses. Therefore, you are welcome to share my slides, in part or full, in a presentation or workshop or training, so long as my name and copyright is expressly stated both in writing and verbally, along with a link to my website please at all times. Thank you.

Guest Blogs and Chapter Contributions:

1) Chapter contribution to 'A Sentience-Based Approach to Equine-Facilitated Interactions - From Theory to Practice: Building Professional Partnerships with Horses', in 'A Horse is A Horse, of Course’: 1st International Symposium for Equine Welfare and Wellness: Promoting the safety, care and well-being of equines in Animal Assisted/Facilitated Psychotherapy and Learning Programs, Compendium Part II'. 2017.

2) A Spiritual Awakening Through Horse, this is a chapter I contributed to the e-book Spiritual Adventures with Horse, 2011 and is based on a personal experience with the Spirit of Horse at the beginning of my journey to study in EFL with Eponaquest Worldwide.

3) September 2016 Guest Blog - The Horse as a Partner, not a Tool. How our Inter-Species Relationship can bring us Change and Enlightenment, in Jody L Miller - Equine Fine Art Photography. 

The Eden Magazine:

I wrote a monthly column under the theme of "Reclaiming Your True Self" in the Eden Magazine for over 5 yearsThis magazine focuses on spreading compassion to all sentient beings living in a healing and peaceful world. Here are the links to my articles which can be read for free via links below:

January 2017 - Body-Soul Work Through Horses - pages 62-64

February 2017 - Self-Care - From Selfish to Sacred - pages 54-55

March 2017 - Meditating & Going Within: How to turn this practice into a delicious rather than a fearful one - pages 26-28

May 2017 - Being Loyal to Ourselves Comes First - pages 26-28

June 2017 - The Paradox Within Vulnerability - pages 24 - 26

July 2017 - The Burden of Being "The Feeling Bearer" - pages 22 - 24

August 2017 - The Energy of Engagement - pages 24 - 26

September 2017 - How to Re-Center Yourself and Find Your Balance - pages 36 - 38

October 2017 - Returning Home: Coming back to Yourself through the Body - pages 36 - 38

November 2017 - Finding Our Wild Edges: Releasing the Soul into its True state of Freedom - pages 28 - 30

December 2017 - Poetry as Healing Agent: The Role of Poetry in Discovering and Reclaiming the Fragmented Self - pages 28 - 30

January 2018 - Slowing down the tongue to Soul-Speed: Why the way and how much we talk matters greatly - pages 28 - 30

February 2018 - The Body Doesn't Lie: Tuning-in to Your Own Truth Detector in any Moment - pages 36 - 38

March 2018 - Dreaming Your Way to Wholeness: How Engaging with your Dreams Accelerates Healing & Growth - pages 38-40

April 2018 - The Power of Surrender - pages 38-39

May 2018 - Practicing our Profession with Humility - pages 38-39

June 2018 - The Healing Potential of Natural Beauty - pages 38-29

July 2018 - Walking Away with Grace - pages 

August 2018 - The Art of Receiving - pages 24-25

September 2018 - Becoming the Curator of Your Soul - pages 36-38

October 2018 - Finding the Gold Within Our Shadow - pages 36-38

November 2018 - The Divine Timing in Healing - pages 40-41

December 2018 - Conscious Releasing - pages 40-42

January 2019 - Inhabiting the Liminal Space - pages 42-44

February 2019 - Casting Off Our Hand-Me-Downs So We Can Live An Authentic Life - pages 42-44

March 2019 - Owning Your Shadow - pages 62-65

April 2019 - Birthing The Feminine in the 21st Century - pages 52-52

May 2019 - Honoring Our Vulnerability: It’s OK Not To Be OK - pages  26-27

June 2019 - The Dance of Self-Doubt - pages 34-36

July 2019 - Restoring The Sacred - pages 56-58

August 2019 - The Spiral Healing Path ~ Walking Life's Labyrinth - pages 28-30

Sept 2019 - Navigating the Crossroads in Life - pages 40-43

Oct 2019 - Remembering Ourselves Home - pages 42-44

Nov 2019 - The Healing Power of Grief & The Loving Embrace of Horses - pages 18-22 

Dec 2019 - Soul Bathing - pages 48-50

Jan 2020 - Hope: The Light in The Darkness - pages 50-51

Feb 2020 - Conscious Growth - pages 54-57

March 2020 - Finding Purpose in Pain - pages 60-62

April 2020 - Death Changes Everything - pages 38-39

May 2020 - The Secret Power in Doubt during Adversity and Crisis - pages 40-41

June 2020 - Embracing Your Fate - pages 14-15

July 2020 - Seeking the Authentic Self - pages 46-47

August 2020 - Reorienting to Your Inner Landscape - pages 50-51

Sept 2020 - Navigating Change - pages 32-34

Oct 2020 - Cultivating New Beginnings - pages 66-67

Nov 2020 - Trusting Your Gut Instincts - Lessons from the Horses - pages 64-67

Dec 2020 - Finding Meaning in the Darkness: A Way Through - pages 64 - 66

Jan 2021 - Self-Healing IS Planetary Healing - pages 52 - 53

Feb 2021 - The Blessings of Nature - pages 54-55

March 2021 - Committing to Yourself and Your True Path - pages 52 - 54

April 2021 - The Transient Nature of Emotions - pages 64 - 66

May 2021 - Filling Up The Empty Well Within - pages 52 - 54

June 2021 - Releasing the Burden of Shame - pages 50 - 52

July 2021 - The Necessity of Inner Boundaries - pages 78 - 80

August 2021 - The Courage to Change - pages 58 - 60

September 2021 - What Fear Can Teach Us - pages 62-64

October 2021 - Conscious Vulnerability - pages 94-96

November 2021 - The Alchemical Power of Humility - pages 82-84

December 2021 - Reclaiming Our Unlived Life - pages 86-87

January 2022 - The Power of No - pages 60-61

February 2022 - Letting Your Light Shine - pages 76-77

March 2022 - The True Self is Built on Moments of Authenticity - pages 76-77

April 2022 - Despair CAN BE A Bridge to Change - pages 74-75

May 2022 - Moving Beyond Your Past - pages 44-46

June 2022 - Transforming Our Wounds into Wisdom - pages 76-78

July 2022 - There is a Right Time to Act; Trust This - pages 72-74

August 2022 - Learning to Parent Yourself Through Your Pets

September 2022 - Falling in Love with My Nervous System - pages 56-58

October 2022 - Reclaiming Your Agency - pages 68-70

November 2022 - Accessing Your Inner Healer - pages 64-66

December 2022 - The Tussle of Head Versus Heart - pages 64-67

Facebook Articles:

Book Recommendations:


The Horse Leads the Way - Honoring the True Role of the Horse in Equine Facilitated Practice, Angela Dunning.

A Horse is a Horse, of Course, Ilka Parent/Minds-n-Motion (I have contributed a chapter in the 2nd Compendium of the 1st International Symposium, 2017). *All of the Compendiums published from these annual symposiums are excellent resources and contain a wide variety of equine and equine-facilitated subjects and are therefore highly recommended, they are available on Amazon.

Horses in Company, Lucy Rees.

The Tao of Equus; Riding Between the Worlds; Way of the Horse: Equine Archetypes for Self-Discovery; The Power of the Herd; The Five Roles of a Master Herder, Linda Kohanov. (*A new revised and expanded edition of The Tao of Equus is due out in June 2024).

Walking The Way of the Horse: Exploring The Power of the Horse-Human Relationship, Leif Hallberg, 2008.

Horse Sense for the Leader Within, Ariana Strozzi.

My Horses, My Healers, Shelley R. Rosenberg.

The Listening Heart: The Limbic Path Beyond Office Therapy, Leigh Shambo.

Riding on the Power of Others, Ren Hurst.

Made for Each Other:The Biology of the Human-Animal Bond, Meg Daley Olmert.

Between Pets and People: The Importance of Animal Companionship, Alan Beck & Aaron Katcher.

Eyes of The Wild: Journeys of Transformation with the Animal Powers, Eleanor O'Hanlon.

Pony Ponderings & Inspiration Cards: Daily Lessons to Guide Your Next Chapter, Kami Guildner and Diana Lancaster.

Childhood / DevelopmentalTrauma / Embodiment:

For Highly Sensitive People (HSPs): all of Elaine Aron's books. The film: Sensitive The Untold Story.

The Undervalued Self, Elaine N. Aron Ph.D.

Understanding and Healing Emotional Trauma: Conversations with Pioneering Clinicians and Researchers, Daniela F. Sieff, Ph.D.

‘Home Coming: Healing Trauma to Reclaim Your Authentic Self’, Dr. Thema Bryant, PhD.

The Inner World of Trauma, and Trauma and the Soul, by Donald Kalsched (*these two books are particularly helpful for people who have experienced Early Childhood Trauma and who experience a much more severe form of the False-Self, more of a persecutory inner-figure).

The Wisdom of Your Body: Finding Healing, Wholeness and Connection through Embodied Living, Hillary L. McBride, Phd.

BodyDreaming in the Treatment of Developmental Trauma: An Embodied Therapeutic Approach, Marian Dunlea.

Waking the Tiger: Healing Trauma; In An Unspoken Voice: How the Body Releases Trauma and Restores Goodness; Trauma and Memory; Healing Trauma: A Pioneering Program for Restoring the Wisdom of Your Body (audio & book), Peter Levine.

A Practical Guide to Complex PTSD: Compassionate Strategies to Begin Healing from Childhood Trauma, Arielle Schwartz, PhD.

Complex PTSD: From Surviving to Thriving, and The Tao of Fully Feeling, Pete Walker

The Boy Who Was Raised As A Dog And Other Stories From a Child's Psychiartrist's Notebook, Bruce D. Perry Md, PhD, and Maia Szalavitz

The Pocket Guide to the Polyvagal Theory: The Transformative Power of Feeling Safe, Stephen Porges

The Emotionally Absent Mother: How to Recognize and Heal the Invisible Effects of Childhood Emotional Neglect, Jasmin Lee Cori.

The Wound of the Unloved: Releasing Life Energy, Peter Schellenbaum

The Body Keeps The Score: Mind, Brain and Body in the Transformation of Trauma, Bessel Van Der Kolk.

When the Body Says No: The Cost of Hidden Stress; In the Realm of Hungry Ghosts: Close Encounters with Addiction, Gabor Maté.

The Master and His Emissary, Iain McGilchrist.

The Heart of Trauma: Healing the Embodied Brain in the Context of Relationships, Bonnie Badenoch.

C.G. Jung/Jungian & Post-Jungian Authors/The Feminine:

The Vital Spark: Reclaim Your Outlaw Energies and Find Your Feminine Fire, Lisa Marchiano.

All of Marion Woodman's work, but particularly: Addicted to Perfection; Dancing in the Flames; Conscious Femininity, and Leaving My Father's House. Also check- out Marion's interviews, audios and videos which are powerful resources.

Women Who Run With The Wolves, Clarissa Pinkola Estés.

The Drama of Being a Child; For Your Own Good, by Alice Miller.

Into the Heart of the Feminine, Massimilla Harris Ph.D and Bud Harris, Ph.D.

Descent to the Goddess: A Way of Initiation for Women, Sylvia Brinton Perera

Dreams, Memories and Reflections; Man and His Symbols; Modern Man in Search of a Soul, Carl G. Jung.

The Earth Has a Soul: C.G. Jung on Nature, Technology and Modern Life, ed. by Meredith Sabini.

Jung's Map of the Soul, Murray Stein (A great introduction to Jung's approach to the psyche).

Jung: A Very Short Introduction, Anthony Stevens.

Any of Robert A. Johnson's books, particularly Owning Your Own Shadow which is an excellent and very clear introduction to this complex subject.

How to Befriend Your Shadow: Welcoming Your Unloved Side, John Morbourquette.

Meeting the Shadow: The Hidden Power of the Dark Side of Human Nature, various authors and edited by Connie Zweig and J. Abrams - this is an excellent, wide-ranging and comprehensive book on all aspects of Shadow work.

A Little Book on the Human Shadow, Robert Bly.

Archetype Revisited; The Two Million-Year-Old Self, Anthony Stevens. In these two books Stevens combines Jung, Ethology and Evolutionary Biology to human individual and collective development.

Ego and Archetype, Edward F. Edinger.

Any of Marie-Louise von Franz's books particularly on the topics of fairy tales and shadow. 

The Dream of the Cosmos: A Quest for the Soul, Anne Baring

Ecological Intelligence: Rediscovering Ourselves in Nature, Ian McCallum

Healing General:

The Healer's Manual, Ted Andrews

*** If you enjoy my work and approach and find it valuable to you in your own practice and development, then there are a couple of ways you can support my work: 
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"The privilege of a lifetime is to become who you truly are.” ~ C G Jung
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